- Stunning scale model ocean replicas expertly sculpted with the collaboration
of the scientists of the Monterey Bay Aquarium in Monterey, California. - Each replica is finely hand painted and accurate down to the last scale.
- Educational information in five languages provides excellent data to help
teach children about these mysteries of the deep. - Phthalate-free and thoroughly safety tested to safeguard your child's health.
- Breathtaking, innovative and value priced figures.
- Featured is our Monterey Bay Whale Shark Size: 10 L x 2.5" H (25.5 x 6.5 cm).
- Suggested age 3
- NAME: Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus)
- CLASS: Chondrichthyes
- ORDER: Orectolobiformes
- FAMILY: Rhiniodontidae
- LENGTH: 35 ft (10.5 m)
- WEIGHT: 13 t (11,794 kg)
- HABITAT: Tropical and warm temperate seas
- SCALE: 1:40
Animal Information